Bitcoin economic analysis

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A central bank ensures a Dollar inflation target, while Bitcoin mining is decentralized via proof-of-work. We analyze Bitcoin price evolution and interaction. This article models the novel economic structure implied by Bitcoin's innovative decentralized design, which allows the payment system to be reliably operated. In this thesis, we analyze the price formation mechanism of Bitcoin precisely by the principles of basic economics, focusing on the influence.
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The arguments above show this profile constitutes a subgame perfect equilibrium, as large miners, small miners, and users all play a best response. Given any feasible profile of choices by large miners, in any subgame perfect equilibrium of the induced subgame for small miners and users there are some small miners that are active and some small miners that are inactive. Future work is likely to improve upon these insights and apply them in other domains. One way is to have an adjustable growth rate of currency supply and another is a decentralized voting mechanism. J38 - Public Policy.